Benefits of Long Term Assisted Living

June 10, 2015

Elderly women getting her hair done

There are many upsides to making the decision to take part in assisted living. Assisted living is when a person who maintains a mobile and vital lifestyle needs an extra push in terms of health, wellness, and housekeeping in order to hold onto their standard of living. For most people, assisted living is typically associated with the older population. When people start to need a bit of help, assisted living can be a fabulous way to keep the same standard of life.

There is a common misconception that assisted living is for those who can't take care of themselves.

Assisted living is vastly different from nursing home care. There is a common misconception that assisted living is for those who can't take care of themselves. In fact, the difference of assisted living is right in the name: assisted. For those who choose to live in an assisted living facility, they will be in charge of the decisions of their life. The staff comes along and assists those people in making their standard of living higher. The differences in living are drastic compared to a nursing home.

Heritage Creek Assisted Living revels in those differences. We seek to provide our residents with the absolute best in assisted living care. With a salon, movie theater, and regular activities, we strive to make the standard of living the highest it can possibly be. We also make an effort to craft an environment of readily available assistance if needed. We want to make sure our tenants get the most out of their experience.

Do You Know what Assisted Living Is?

Instead of having to rely solely on yourself to get by, you can ask the staff of an assisted living facility for support. If new tasks become difficult, staff members can help guide you through the new steps until they become common habit. On top of this, regular services are provided that you simply don't have available at home. If you have the opportunity to reside in assisted living, take comfort in knowing some of the daily chores are now out of your hands.


Assisted living comes with a full house keeping staff for most areas. This means taking care of sheets, laundry, and general cleanliness. You can finally focus on making the most out of your life now that some of the day to day tasks are taken care of. With more time, get to the activities that you've wanted to do.

Housekeeping in assisted living can be a two-way street. For residents, they can take care of general cleanliness within their abode. However, if they want to turn over to the staff, they absolutely can. Options are available depending on how you want your standard of living to be. Ultimately, it comes down to what each tenant wants.

Prepared Meals

Many assisted living facilities come with full kitchens. You could hop down for a midnight snack and also wake up to a full course breakfast. Prepared meals are part of the focus assisted living areas have on health. They want to make sure residents have full access to menus they would have anywhere else.

Additionally, many of these facilities provide for three square meals. This means breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided every single day. Some facilities also provide this service full time seven days a week. For some facilities, this is not the case. It varies depending on the location. For Heritage Creek, we have several meal options ready for residents when they arrive.

Regular Health Monitoring

If someone has made the decision to live in assisted living, one of the benefits can be health check-ups. If a resident has a chronic condition, the staff has the knowledge and expertise to keep close tabs on it at all times. This means taking any potentially harmful health variables out of the equations, giving some comfort to you and your loved ones.

Facilities do have different types of care. Again, this is a situation where it depends on the location. For Heritage Creek, we strive to offer premier services to all of our residents. Creating access to the necessary medical tools is paramount to what we believe in.

Will Medicaid Pay for Assisted Living?

The simple answer is yes, it can, but only if you qualify for certain items. When Medicaid is involved, it can be hard to get a straight answer. Luckily, we've sifted through a couple items for you in order to give you a clearer picture of what can be covered. We also suggest researching Medicaid yourself and talking to a representative with someone from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission for more information.

In order to qualify for Texas and its Medicaid program to cover long-term care in assisted living, you need to have a low monthly income. As of 2014, it must not be higher than $2,163 if you are single. If you are married, it must not be more than $4,326. This information is due to change, as it does every year.

Additionally, your resources must be limited in order to qualify. Resources as defined by Texas are similar to assets. Resources often refer to financially beneficial assets, such as cars, property, retirement savings, and more. For single people, your limit to qualify is $2,000. For married couples, it cannot be more than $3,000.

If you do qualify, you must prove that it is “medically necessary” for whoever is living in the assisted living facility. This could require proving there is a condition that needs constant monitoring. When you qualify, you could be lumped under one of two plans: either the Community Based Alternative Medicaid or STAR PLUS Medicaid Waiver services.

While this may seem daunting, the possibility of Medicaid covering your assisted living care expenses are real. If you are concerned you may not be able to afford assisted living, options are readily available for you. Above all, Heritage Creek Assisted Living wants your assisted living experience to be great. It is accessible and available to you. All you need to do it make the call.

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